Black hawk down
Black hawk down

black hawk down

I think any soldier that really aspires to be a leader should watch that series. It’s really more about the leadership aspects of those guys and the things they went through, but every time I watch the series I learn more and more from it. It’s a war series: Band of Brothers. I just think that it captures everything you could ever hope to be as a soldier. … you don’t like getting up early in the morning or using portajohns. Okay, now finish this sentence: you shouldn’t join the military if… What’s the first thing you do?ġ0,000 rounds of green tip and an M4 with infrared optics on it.

black hawk down black hawk down

I think the statute of limitations is probably gone on this, but I was answering the phones one night and decided I was going to take the commander’s jeep out joyriding with a buddy of mine - I won’t say his name, but he ended up being the command sergeant major of 5th Group later on, but we were both privates.Īnd we flipped it on one of the range roads on Fort Bragg and it took us all night to get it unflipped. The dumbest thing I ever did as a private was while I was on staff duty. Switching gears, I’m going to run through a bunch of rapid-fire questions that only a veteran would ask, starting with: What’s the dumbest thing you ever did as a private? I had friends who died of overdoses and who died of suicides that were related to those drugs, and so I had a choice: I could either throw up my hands and walk away and be discouraged by it, or I could just try to do my part to help out.Īnd my part was going to pharmacy school, learning as much as I could about the problem, and positioning myself at the VA to be in a spot where I could help the kinds of people I had worked with in the military for over 20 years.

Black hawk down